

Badigue center is a self sustainable unit which connects knowledge and experiences from different societies and cultures in order to enable community and environmental friendly habitation based on green technologies. Our wish is to address in a holistic manner some of the main issues about quality of living today. Built on African-European collaboration project connects the values and knowledge from both sides and implements its aims on social, cultural and ecological fields. Basic structure is thus divided into following complementary activities: educational and artistic programe, sustainable agriculture, sustainable technology, health issues and responsible ecotourism.   

With our work we try to pursue the same goals that many similar projects all around the world have already set and achieve successfully. In this regard we are joining a large group of individuals who are striving to make this world a nicer place, for them and for the generations to come. We believe that following the principles of self-sustainability, emphasizing knowledge interchange and understanding creativity as an important aspect of life as well as making effort in fair distribution of material goods can be a good start on a way to a responsible and self fulfilled habitation. Our aim is thus to entail a holistic view on an individual and society and puts its efforts in the further development on both levels.